

Really-O Handcrafts and Tryon Museum is located at #47 Route 10, Tryon, PEI, Canada.

Our coordinates are: http://maps.google.ca/?ll=46.239844,-63.544044&spn=0.000004,0.002401&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=46.239844,-63.544044&panoid=8GHsIL4verJRt3b5-c2oVA&cbp=12,203.09,,0,0.94

We are open year-round by chance or appointment.

Please feel welcome to visit the above pages. For all inquires please leave a Reply below or contact

8 Responses to About

  1. Really-O says:

    We look forward to your visit. It might be a good idea to call me beforehand as we have medical appointments coming up. Cheers, Jack. Tel.: 902-658-2009.

  2. Charles Lipnicki says:

    Hello, I came to possess an old photo from Mt Tryon are and I would like to learn the location of the farm in the photo . I would like to donate it to the museum or to the owner of the farm at present. Please let me know when I can meet with you. My phone # is 902 626 5608.
    Thank you
    Charles Lipnicki

  3. Jan says:

    Hello. I am trying to locate the Pollards who were on Lot 28 Tryon 1769. I am under the impression that this Pollard might have helped with Holland and the survey. Do you have any information or a direction that I can head? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    • Really-O says:

      Hi Jan. I don’t seem to have information on the Pollards of Lot 28, but I will ask a friend, 6th gen. grandson of Holland, who is doing research on the family. Jack

      • Jan says:

        Jack, Thank you very much for your quick response.
        Per “Remember Yesterday; a history of North Tryon” in 1769, it states “settlers in lot 28 Tryon include “Pollards”.
        I am looking for Benjamin Pollard, my 4th great grandfather who was married to my 4th great grandmother Catherine Vallieres/Valleed/Vallier, daughter of Antoine Vallier. I have read that Catherine was a companion to Mrs. Holland. Early in my research I thought I had read that Benjamin Pollard had helped Samuel Holland but can’t find that research again.
        I was also thinking since Holland received lot 28 for his survey work and If I am correct Pollard was also on Lot 28 then he might have worked on the survey.
        I have been looking for this ancestor for the last 2 yrs so any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Brenda says:

    Good Afternoon, Mr. and Mrs, Sorensen,
    My name is Brenda HALLIWELL Cameron. My husband and I will be visiting the island, from Montreal, the end of June for a few days.
    I am not sure if the name is familiar to you…my Grandparents Arthur and Charlotte (Rogerson) HALLIWELL. my father is George HALLIWELL…my aunts and Uncles…Marie (HALLIWELL) and Claude Vessey and Amy (HALLIWELL) and Harrison Leard.

    This might be a stretch but is it possible that you might have some photos of my grandparents house and the Vessey House (my memories are of a beautiful home right off the TransCanada)
    ….I think near Branch Rd.?

    I understand that now all that family is together at the south shore United church cemetery.

    Would love to come to your Museum.

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